Jezen Thomas

Jezen Thomas

CTO & Co-Founder at Supercede.

A 10x Speedup in GHCi

Many of us at Supercede use GHCi directly when developing Haskell projects. It runs the local development server, and the automated test suite, and serves as a scratch pad for ad hoc expression evaluation and type inspection.

We make heavy use of integrated tests with the yesod-test framework.

One of our projects now has more than 500 tests.

Running the tests in GHCi takes about 150 seconds. Not terrible, but not great either. Certainly not fast enough to encourage developers to practice TDD and run the entire suite regularly.

Finished in 150.2305 seconds
508 examples, 0 failures, 3 pending

However, running the same test suite with cabal test1 takes only about 12 seconds.

That’s a significant improvement!

Finished in 11.7001 seconds
508 examples, 0 failures, 3 pending

As it turns out, the difference is in concurrency in the runtime system. The project’s cabal file includes some GHC options which enable multi-core parallelism and allows the program to run with all available CPU cores.

test-suite test
  type:               exitcode-stdio-1.0
  main-is:            Main.hs
  hs-source-dirs:     test
    -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
    -- there are more options here, but they're unrelated

So the test suite runs slowly in GHCi, because the tests are running on a single thread. It’s possible to start GHCi with multi-core parallelism by running ghci +RTS -N from the shell, but this is fiddly to write, and I don’t think writing a shell alias is the right thing to do. The project’s development environment should just work for everyone who contributes to the project, and they shouldn’t need to create shell aliases or tinker with these inputs in order to enjoy the improved performance.

Fortunately, it’s possible to change RTS settings at runtime, so I’ve added these lines to end of the project’s .ghci file.

import GHC.Conc
n <- getNumProcessors
setNumCapabilities (max 1 (n - 1))

First we use getNumProcessors to get the number of CPUs the machine has, and then we set the number of Haskell threads that can run simultaneously. As recommended in the documentation, we leave a core free to avoid contention with other processes.

Running the same test suite in GHCi with this RTS configuration takes ~12-20 seconds, which is on average about a 10x improvement. There will also be some differences with GHCi interpreting rather than compiling code, but I think at this scale the difference is insignificant.

While this isn’t related to parallelism, the last thing we do in our .ghci file is to enable the display of timing and memory stats, plus the inferred type of the variable bound for each statement.

:set +s +t

We do this last, because otherwise when entering GHCi we’ll see timing and memory stats for every comment written in the .ghci file, i.e., several lines like this:

(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)

One fairly obvious way to not have to think about any of this would be to use cabal repl which is essentially a managed way to launch GHCi, though that comes with its own configuration concerns. I like the quick startup time of GHCi, and I like having a deeper understanding of what the interpreter is or isn’t doing.

I’ve been happily using GHCi for the past decade, and I’m not currently convinced that adding a wrapper around the interpreter would make my development workflow any simpler. There is an argument to be made for cabal’s dependency resolution, but I’m using Nix to manage packages anyway.

  1. We actually run our checks with nix flake check -L, but this uses cabal under the hood.↩︎