Stubbing I/O in Yesod
Here’s the scenario.
You’re writing a web application in Yesod. In one of your request handler functions, you need to run some IO action. This might be to make an HTTP request against an online weather service, or this might be to charge someone’s credit card, or even just to generate some random number.
Taking the latter as an example, imagine we want to generate a random number and then respond to the user’s request by reporting whether the randomly generated number is even or odd.
We might write code which looks like this.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Application where
import System.Random
import Yesod
data App = App
mkYesod "App" [parseRoutes|
/random RandomR GET
instance Yesod App
getRandomR :: Handler Value
getRandomR = do
n <- liftIO randomNumber
returnJson $ isEven n
randomNumber :: IO Int
randomNumber = randomRIO (1, 100)
isEven :: Int -> String
isEven n = if even n then "even" else "odd"
main :: IO ()
main = warp 3000 App
This is a complete Yesod application. We can run this locally and it will be listening for requests on port 3000. When we send requests there, we can see our application dutifully responding with whether or not the randomly generated number was even or odd.
$ curl http://localhost:3000/random
$ curl http://localhost:3000/random
This is all well and good, but how do we write an automated test for this? We can’t control the randomness of our pseudo-random number generator. Similarly, if instead of generating a random number this were an HTTP request to attempt to charge someone’s credit card with some payment provider, e.g., Stripe, then we wouldn’t be able to write a reliable automated test for this because we don’t control Stripe’s servers.
What we need to do is to stub out this IO action. This means that instead of running the real implementation during the test, we swap it out for a fake version that we can control.
One simple approach for this is with dependency injection.
Instead of defining our randomNumber
function alongside our request handler,
we can declare it as part of our application’s foundational data type.
data App = App
{ appRandomNumber :: IO Int
When we initialise our application, we construct our App
value with the real
implementation of our function.
main :: IO ()
main = warp 3000 $ App randomNumber
randomNumber = -- real implementation
Since our randomNumber
function is no longer defined alongside our request
handler, we’ll now need to ask for that function from within the handler
getRandomR :: Handler Value
getRandomR = do
n <- liftIO =<< getsYesod appRandomNumber
returnJson $ isEven n
isEven :: Int -> String
isEven n = -- …
This behaves exactly as it did before, but now we’re able to swap out our
function for a fake version in an automated test with
withApp :: SpecWith (TestApp App) -> Spec
withApp = before $ do
pure (App randomNumber, id)
stub :: YesodDispatch a => (a -> a) -> YesodExample a ()
stub f = testModifySite (\app -> pure (f app, id))
spec :: Spec
spec = withApp $ do
describe "GET /random" $ do
it "works with even numbers" $ do
stub (\a -> a { appRandomNumber = pure 66 })
get RandomR
statusIs 200
bodyEquals "\"even\""
it "works with odd numbers" $ do
stub (\a -> a { appRandomNumber = pure 17 })
get RandomR
statusIs 200
bodyEquals "\"odd\""
Of course, the usual warnings apply. There are problems that come along with stubbing out functions — if your stub doesn’t accurately reflect what that function actually does, then your test is only giving you false confidence.
People often say that stubbing is bad and that you shouldn’t do it. I don’t think this advice is useful. Yes, your tests and application logic should be pure as far as you can help it. But sometimes you really do need a stub.
A working example of this approach is available here.