At Least Assert Your Serialisation Roundtrips
When you’re writing a web application, the values that flow through your system need to be serialised and deserialised. This could be for representation as JSON, XML, a parameter in a URI query string, or a field in a database, etc.
The problem with teaching your program how to serialise or deserialise values is that it is manual and error-prone.
Consider the follow enumeration type which models the status of a company in the United Kingdom.
data Status
= Active
| AdministrationOrder
| AdministrationOrderAdministrativeReceiver
| AdministrationOrderReceiverManager
| AdministrationOrderReceivership
| AdministrativeReceiver
| ConvertedOrClosed
| ConvertedToPLC
| ConvertedToUKEIG
| ConvertedToUKSocietas
-- 23 more constructors…
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
If we wanted to teach our program to serialise each of these constructors as
JSON but we stuck with the defaults, we would end up with values like
and "AdministrationOrder"
which mirror how the constructors are
This isn’t what we want though — a consumer of this JSON data would expect
something in perhaps snake case or kebab case, i.e., "administration_order"
or "administration-order"
Of course, we could type out the desired conversions manually, like this:
instance FromJSON Status where
parseJSON = \case
(String "active") -> Active
(String "administration_order") -> AdministrationOrder
(String "administration_order_administrative_receiver") -> AdministrationOrderAdministrativeReceiver
(String "administration_order_receiver_manager") -> AdministrationOrderReceiverManager
(String "administration_order_receivership") -> AdministrationOrderReceivership
(String "administrative_receiver") -> AdministrativeReceiver
(String "converted_or_closed") -> ConvertedOrClosed
(String "converted_to_plc") -> ConvertedToPLC
(String "converted_to_ukeig") -> ConvertedToUKEIG
(String "converted_to_uk_societas") -> ConvertedToUKSocietas
-- 23 more lines of tedium…
_ -> fail "Could not parse Status - was not a String"
instance ToJSON Status where
toJSON = String . \case
Active -> "active"
AdministrationOrder -> "administration_order"
AdministrationOrderAdministrativeReceiver -> "administration_order_administrative_receiver"
AdministrationOrderReceiverManager -> "administration_order_receiver_manager"
AdministrationOrderReceivership -> "administration_order_receivership"
AdministrativeReceiver -> "administrative_receiver"
ConvertedOrClosed -> "converted_or_closed"
ConvertedToPLC -> "converted_to_plc"
ConvertedToUKEIG -> "converted_to_ukeig"
ConvertedToUKSocietas -> "converted_to_uk_societas"
-- This isn't what I signed up for ಠ_ಠ
While this does model exactly the representation we want, clearly this is not the kind of code we wish to maintain. At scale, it is inevitable that you or one your colleagues will mistype one of the strings, or forget to handle a case entirely.
A better approach would be to use some function — we are programmers after all — to handle the conversions for us.
We can neatly convert the representations of each of these constructors
automatically with some string conversion function, e.g., those available in
the casing
library. This would lead us to write JSON instances for our
type like this:
import Control.Monad.Fail (fail)
import Text.Casing (kebab, pascal)
import Text.Read (readEither)
instance FromJSON Status where
parseJSON = \case
(String s) -> case deserialise s of
Left err -> fail (unpack err)
Right status -> pure status
_ -> fail "Could not parse Status - was not a String"
instance ToJSON Status where
toJSON = String . serialise
serialise :: Status -> Text
serialise = pack . kebab . show
deserialise :: Text -> Either Text Status
deserialise t =
case readEither (pascal (unpack s)) of
Left _ -> Left $ "Could not parse Status: " <> t
Right status -> pure status
This is an improvement. We now have 15 lines of code rather than the 71 lines of code we would have had after laboriously typing out all of the constructors.
There could be problems in the logic though, which we’ll need to write a test for. The best way I have found for writing a test for this kind of problem is with a roundtrip property-based test.
Roundtripping in this context just means that if you take some value and serialise it, then you’ll get back the same value when you deserialise it.
I’m partial to both the hspec
and hedgehog
testing libraries, so naturally
it makes sense to combine them with the hspec-hedgehog
module Model.StatusSpec (spec) where
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import Model.Status (Status)
import Test.Hspec.Hedgehog (Gen, forAll, hedgehog, tripping)
import TestImport
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Status" $ do
it "roundtrips JSON" $ hedgehog $ do
x <- forAll (Gen.enumBounded :: Gen Status)
tripping x Aeson.encode Aeson.eitherDecode
This test says:
Generate all the
values and ensure each of them roundtrip.
Hedgehog is able to give us all the values in our Status
enumeration because
we asked the compiler to derive instances for both the Enum
and Bounded
classes when we defined our type.
What happens when we run this test?
roundtrips JSON FAILED [1]
1) Model.Status.Status roundtrips JSON
✗ <interactive> failed at ./test/Model/StatusSpec.hs:20:7
after 1 test.
┏━━ ./test/Model/StatusSpec.hs ━━━
13 ┃ spec :: Spec
14 ┃ spec = do
15 ┃
16 ┃ describe "Status" $ do
17 ┃
18 ┃ it "roundtrips JSON" $ hedgehog $ do
19 ┃ x <- forAll (Gen.enumBounded :: Gen Status)
┃ │ ConvertedToPLC
20 ┃ tripping x Aeson.encode Aeson.eitherDecode
┃ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
┃ │ ━━━ Intermediate ━━━
┃ │ "\"converted-to-plc\""
┃ │ ━━━ - Original) (+ Roundtrip ━━━
┃ │ - Right ConvertedToPLC
┃ │ + Left "Error in $: Could not parse Status: converted-to-plc"
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheck (Size 0) (Seed 15174119819274148648 1778119947192687319) <property>
It failed!
If we fire up GHCi and import both our Status
type and the Text.Casing
module, we can see why this fails.
λ kebab $ show ConvertedToPLC
λ pascal $ kebab $ show ConvertedToPLC
The pascal
function is converting the serialised "converted-to-plc"
, but this doesn’t match the derived Read
instance for that
type! For the same reason, this code would also fail on the ConvertedToUKEIG
and ConvertedToUKSocietas
To fix this we’ll have to handle those edge cases manually, like this:
deserialise :: Text -> Either Text Status
deserialise = \case
"converted-to-plc" -> pure ConvertedToPLC
"converted-to-ukeig" -> pure ConvertedToUKEIG
"converted-to-uk-societas" -> pure ConvertedToUKSocietas
s -> case readEither (pascal (unpack s)) of
Left _ -> Left $ "Could not parse Status: " <> s
Right status -> pure status
Running this again shows us that our tests pass, and we can have confidence that our test coverage is exhaustive because we aren’t relying on human discipline to exercise all of the paths through this code.
I don’t think there’s any reason not to test your custom serialisation and deserialisation code this way, and if you’re new to property-based testing then this is the easiest place to start.