Jezen Thomas

Jezen Thomas

CTO & Co-Founder at Supercede.

We Deserve Better Than BEM

The past decade has seen a number of CSS methodologies come and go in web development. The approach that seems to have become most widely adopted is called Block Element Modifier (BEM).

BEM aims to make user interface code more manageable by ignoring the cascading part of Cascading Style Sheets, keeping the specificity of selectors low, and avoiding naming collisions. It does this by imposing a naming convention which programmers should rigidly adhere to.

Applied BEM looks something like this:

<header class="header">
  <img class="header__logo header__logo--success" src="/slava_ukraini.jpg">

  .header {
    background: linear-gradient(-180deg, royalblue 50%, yellow 50%);

  .header__logo--success {
    position: absolute;

The block in this case is header. We delimit the block and the element with a couple of underscores, and appending two hyphens and some string denotes a modifier.

In practice, not only does this turn into a mess of punctuation, but this approach is also rather fragile.

There’s nothing but human discipline to stop you from accidentally mistyping a selector, or inadvertently introducing a naming collision. When the visual design of your software changes and some markup is removed, there is nothing to indicate that the associated styles are now dead code and can safely be removed.

Fundamentally, I don’t believe that relying on human discipline is a sensible way to scale a software project. We deserve better. Computers are perfectly capable of managing the relationships between components of a software system, whether that’s some markup and its associated styles and scripts, or classes and functions and the data types that flow between.

The tools are available to us. We just need to use them.

At Supercede we’re leveraging a technique which I think scales better than BEM. The technique is facilitated by Yesod which is the Haskell web framework that we use, but there’s no reason why this technique couldn’t be recreated in other frameworks.

Approaching the previous header component in Yesod would look like this1:

header :: Widget
header = do
  theId <- newIdent
    <header id="#{theId}">
      <img class="logo success" src="/slava_ukraini.jpg">
  toWidget [cassius|
      background: linear-gradient(-180deg, royalblue 50%, yellow 50%)
        position: absolute

The interesting part here is the use of newIdent. This is a monadic action which will bind theId to an identifier which is guaranteed to not collide with any other identifiers on the page which are generated the same way.

This works by maintaining a counter in some request-specific internal state. At runtime when a request comes in and the application begins building up the page to serve to the user, every run of the newIdent action asks the state for the current count. The count is then incremented and stored back in the state, and the new count is used to generate a unique identifier.

Composing a couple of widgets together illustrates this effect.

myWebPage :: Widget
myWebPage = do
  theId <- newIdent
    <div id="#{theId}">
  toWidget [cassius|
      margin: auto


  header :: Widget
  header = do
    theId <- newIdent
      <header id="#{theId}">Some header text
    toWidget [cassius|
        background: royalblue

  footer :: Widget
  footer = do
    theId <- newIdent
      <footer id="#{theId}">&copy; Copyright Acme Inc. 2022
    toWidget [cassius|
        background: yellow

This Haskell code generates markup and styles which look like this:

<div id="hident3">
  <header id="hident1">Some header text…</header>
  <footer id="hident2">&copy; Copyright Acme Inc. 2022</footer>

  #hident1 { background: royalblue; }
  #hident2 { background: yellow; }
  #hident3 { margin: auto; }

So, correct use of the framework ensures our IDs are unique even when they’re all composed together, and the compiler ensures we don’t mistype the names that bind the HTML elements with their associated CSS and JavaScript. The compiler also helps us clean up dead code along the way.

Ordinarily you might feel uncomfortable using a name as nondescriptive as theId, but in practice we tend to only use one unique identifier per widget. Each binding is scoped to its respective widget, and the name doesn’t appear verbatim in the generated HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.

This approach also allows us to improve the locality of the code. Associated markup, styles, and scripts can all be written in adjacent code which makes the writing process less cumbersome.

Because naming collisions are prevented by the application, we’re free to embrace specificity in CSS and just use IDs everywhere instead of limiting ourselves to classes. Relying on IDs in web development is usually avoided because they’re hard to manage manually at scale, but this pain goes away if you can delegate that management to a sufficiently sophisticated mechanism.

Widget composition is one of the unsung heroes of the Yesod framework. Given that the framework is written in Haskell, I think people are often more interested in talking about exotic-sounding ideas like zygohistomorphic prepromorphisms, but the truth is that more basic concepts make up the vast majority of web development work, so those are the areas we should be focusing on. The composition of widgets and their associated styles and scripts is exactly one of those areas.

I’ve found that the more responsibility I delegate away from humans and into the compiler, the fewer mistakes I tend to see in production. The mechanisms I’ve described here aren’t exactly new either — they’ve existed in Yesod for more than a decade. If your web framework of choice doesn’t have something like this, you should be asking yourself an important question: Why not?

  1. Actually, it’s more typical to use syntactical conveniences that Hamlet provides. The verbose version is used here so there is less unfamiliar syntax for the reader.↩︎