Jezen Thomas

Jezen Thomas

CTO & Co-Founder at Supercede.

Fast Counting with PostgreSQL and Haskell

One of my projects leans heavily on a PostgreSQL database. It allows users to arbitrarily filter through millions of rows of relational data. Ideally, the system should give the user a hint of the size of the result set. If there are too many results, they can apply more filters to narrow their search. Too few, vice versa.

Naturally, every Internet user expects search to be fast.

Problem: Counting large result sets in PostgreSQL is… slow.

While researching potential solutions to this problem, I learned that PostgreSQL can provide fast counting if you’re willing to sacrifice some accuracy. Whether or not this matters of course depends on the kind of application you’re writing. In my case, I’m fairly certain my users don’t care. Knowing that there are a few million results for a query is more than good enough.

If a query is sufficiently focused though, you probably don’t want to show the user an estimate. If the page says “About 7 results”, it probably wouldn’t fill them with confidence if they can see the result length is clearly only five. Besides, PostgreSQL can count result sets in the hundreds and low thousands extremely quickly.

Solution: First get an estimate of the result length, and if it’s sufficiently small — say, fewer than 5,000 rows — then count again with total accuracy.

This rather good article suggests several approaches for implementing fast counting with estimates. Not all of them work in my case, because the primary feature of my application is arbitrary filtering. Some clever abuse of the query planner output quickly gives us an estimate.

CREATE FUNCTION count_estimate(query text) RETURNS integer AS $$
  rec   record;
  rows  integer;
    rows := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)');
  RETURN rows;

The function above only needs to be defined once. In my case, I added it to my project’s database schema with the postgresql-simple-migration library, as it’s perilous to try and manage database schemas by hand.

If we’re writing plain SQL, we can use the count_estimate function like this:

SELECT count_estimate('SELECT 1 FROM items WHERE n < 1000');

However, the whole point of writing Haskell is to avoid the pain of software constantly blowing up in our faces, so it’s better to lean on the persistent and esqueleto libraries where possible to leverage the compiler and gain some assurances of type safety.

I think there are a couple of ways to write the above query with the aforementioned Haskell libraries. Implementation in terms of unsafeSqlFunction might work, but I chose to use the rawSql function instead1.

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import Database.Esqueleto.Experimental  -- from esqueleto
import Text.Shakespeare.Text (st)       -- from shakespeare

-- | The length of a result set for a query.
data ResultLength
  = Approximate Int -- ^ An estimate from the PostgreSQL query planner
  | Precise Int     -- ^ A precise result from running a real @COUNT(*)@ query
  deriving (Read, Show)

derivePersistField "ResultLength"

-- | Quickly return an estimate from the query planner.
-- This leans on the PostgreSQL query planner to come up with an /approximate/
-- result length. If the @count_estimate@ function is not already defined in
-- the database, this function will throw an exception.
-- To prevent SQL injection, the tag should be dynamically generated.
  -- | A randomly-generated alphabetical string.
  :: Text
  -- | The SQL query with placeholders, and a list of parameters.
  -> (Text, [PersistValue])
  -- | The 'ResultLength' here will always be an 'Approximate'.
  -> DB (Maybe ResultLength)
getEstimate tag (query, params) =
  let resultLength :: [Single Int64] -> Maybe ResultLength
      resultLength = fmap (Approximate . fromIntegral . unSingle) . listToMaybe
   in resultLength <$> rawSql [st|
      SELECT count_estimate($#{tag}$#{query}$#{tag}$);
      |] params

We define a new data type with two constructors to represent the idea that the length of a result set can either be approximate (if there are more than 5,000 results), or precise by running a real COUNT(*) query.

To be able to return that type from a database query, the compiler needs to know how values of that type should be represented. I don’t actually care how they’re represented, so I’m happy to use Template Haskell to just derive the PersistField instance. If I did care, I’d probably opt to serialise these values as JSON objects. But I don’t, so I didn’t.

Deriving that instance this way uses the type’s Read and Show instances under the hood, so that’s why those are also derived.

The DB type in the return type for getEstimate is actually a type alias used for the sake of legibility. It’s included in the scaffolding for any new yesod-postgres project. Its use necessitates a couple of language extensions, and it has the following definition.

{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

type DB a = forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadIO m) => ReaderT SqlBackend m a

Use of the rawSql function would ordinarily give us a list of single column values, which in a type signature would look like [Single a]. However, this isn’t the type I wish I had. I’m using a few functions to massage the value the query returns into something I actually want floating through my system.

  1. The query is only ever expected to return one result, so a list doesn’t make much sense. The listToMaybe function can safely turn it into a Maybe (Single Int64) instead.
  2. The unSingle function unwraps whatever is inside that Single column value, giving us a Maybe Int64.
  3. As the database actually returns an Int64 value, the fromIntegral function is used to change that value into an Int.
  4. The Approximate constructor allows us to tell our Int value apart from a precise result. This will be important for rendering the value in the UI.

With the type-juggling out of the way, we can look at using the rawSql function to express the SQL query. The use of a quasiquoter here makes it neat to interpolate values into the text value. Like Template Haskell, the appropriate language extension needs to be enabled.

This function takes two arguments:

  1. The SQL query, potentially with ? characters to denote placeholders
  2. A list of values to fill those placeholders

Conveniently enough, esqueleto actually provides a function called renderQuerySelect for rendering a SELECT query into a tuple that neatly matches these two arguments. We can pair this function with some arbitrary query. For example, assume we have some persistent entity in our system called a Thing which has a field called thingStatus, and we want to select all of the things in our database where the thingStatus is either Active or Pending.

-- Get all our active and pending things…
getThings :: SqlQuery (SqlExpr (Entity Thing))
getThings = do
  thing <- from $ table @Thing
  where_ $ thing^.ThingStatus `in_` valList [ Active, Pending ]
  pure thing

To render this query, we should run renderQuerySelect with getThings as its argument in the database querying monad.

runDB $ renderQuerySelect getThings

We can’t just stuff the result of this into the getEstimate function however. The tricky part here is that we are essentially having to write one SQL query inside another SQL query! Without being careful to escape the single quotes that were added by rawSql, we would end up with a query like this being sent to the database.

SELECT count_estimate('SELECT * FROM things WHERE status IN ('Active', 'Pending')');

Of course, this fails as it’s a syntax error.

Even the syntax highlighting on this page reveals that it is a syntax error.

One approach might be to escape the single quotes, and try to generate a query like the following.

SELECT count_estimate('SELECT * FROM things WHERE status IN (''Active'', ''Pending'')');

This works, but I think it’s error prone. You would need to escape the single quotes in each of the query parameters, and also escape the single quotes in the query itself. You would need to use unescaped literals, and then add the escaping back in manually.

Fortunately, there’s a better way.

PostgreSQL supports dollar quoting, which means the rendered query can be embedded like this instead (syntax highlighting disabled to avoid confusion). With this approach, we don’t need to worry about correctly escaping single quotes.

SELECT count_estimate($$SELECT * FROM things WHERE status IN ('Active', 'Pending')$$);

This is easier to work with, but it’s still not a total solution. If a user found a way to send a $$ sequence into your application, there would be a syntax error again, and possibly even a SQL injection vulnerability.

A way to mitigate that threat is to add tags to the dollar quotes.

SELECT count_estimate($someTag$SELECT * FROM things WHERE status IN ('Active', 'Pending')$someTag$);

The tags must match on both sides, and as far as I can tell (though I didn’t see this specified in the documentation), the tag should only contain alphabetical characters.

To avoid the possibility of an attacker brute-forcing the tag inside the dollar quotes, a random alphabetical string can be generated every time the query is run, and that random string can be used as the tag.

To tie this all together, here’s the kind of thing you would write in your HTTP request handler. If the query planner thinks the result set will be greater than 5,000 rows then we don’t bother trying to precisely count the results and instead return the approximation. Otherwise, run the real COUNT(*) query.

getThingsR :: Handler Html
getThingsR = do
  -- some handler code…

  -- Random string generation from the random-strings package
  tag <- pack <$> liftIO (randomWord (onlyAlpha randomASCII) 10)
  resultLen <- runDB $ do
    rendered <- renderQuerySelect getThings
    getEstimate tag rendered >>= \case
      Just (Approximate n)
        | n > 5000  -> pure $ Approximate n -- Return the estimate
        | otherwise -> getThingsCount       -- Run an accurate @COUNT(*)@ query
      _ -> pure $ Precise 0                 -- Should never happen…

  -- more handler code…

Finally, when it comes to presenting the result length to the user, we’re able to implement a more informative UI owing to the fact that our figures are meaningfully tagged.

  $case resultLen
    $of Approximate n
      About #{format commas n} results
    $of Precise n
      $if n == 1
        1 result
        #{format commas n} results

This approach has soothed my counting performance woes in my hobby business and I’m quite pleased with the result. Further performance gains could likely be had from tuning the database configuration, a smarter use of indexes, or perhaps just throwing better hardware at the problem.

I think this code would benefit from some property-based tests, which I am yet to write. I’d like to verify that none of this function chain causes a syntax error in the database, no matter what kind of query you throw at it. I may find that I need to carefully sanitise inputs in addition to the dollar quote escaping.

Hopefully this also shows that Haskell is perfectly suitable — ideal, even — for real world work.

  1. Yes, I’m aware neither unsafeSqlFunction nor rawSql are particularly safe functions, but sometimes we need escape hatches. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water.↩︎