Tracing User Requests in Yesod
Recently I decided I want to invest in my Yesod application’s logging system. Yesod provides sane defaults for logging using the Apache style and this is enough for most applications, however in my case I had a few extra demands. Namely, the logs should:
- Contain an authenticated user’s ID so we have full visibility into every user’s behaviour
- Generate a unique ID for each request, so requests can be discussed internally
- Show the request’s total duration, which will help us find performance bottlenecks
- Be formatted in JSON for ease of parsing with other tools
Most of these needs could be addressed with functionality the relevant libraries included in a typical scaffolded Yesod site already provide. One of my needs necessitated a little more work. More on that in a moment.
First, let’s take a look at how logging is typically set up in a scaffolded
Yesod site. For our purposes, all we need to care about is what we define as
our outputFormat
. The value we use here should be different depending on
whether you’re running the application in development or production — unless of
course you want to see JSON logs in development.
-- ./src/Application.hs
makeLogWare :: App -> IO Middleware
makeLogWare foundation =
mkRequestLogger def
{ outputFormat =
if appDetailedRequestLogging $ appSettings foundation
then Detailed True
else Apache $
if appIpFromHeader $ appSettings foundation
then FromFallback
else FromSocket
, destination = Logger $ loggerSet $ appLogger foundation
Yesod applications are set to use detailed logging in development by default.
This format is easier to visually parse than either Apache or JSON logs, but
would be far too noisy in production. The True
in Detailed True
means we
want the logs to use colours. A more descriptive type here might have been
useful, but that’s by the by. Here’s how those detailed logs look (here without
GET /auth/page/simple/login
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q…
Status: 200 OK 0.007939s
GET /favicon.ico
Accept: image/webp,image/apng,image/*,*/*;q=0.8
Status: 200 OK 0.001512s
Ok, so that’s just fine, but we’re more interested now in the production logs.
We don’t want the Apache format, so that’s what we’ll change. The available
data constructors can be found in the wai-extra package. You’ll see
Apache IPAddrSource
and Detailed Bool
, both of which we’re familiar with
from the scaffolding. There are a few others however with “custom output
format” in their names which are a little more useful.
The penultimate data constructor has an associated JSON formatter called
. As it turns out, this combination of data constructor and
formatting function (and also a custom middleware, but that’s internal)
includes the request duration. So that’s two of my requirements taken care of!
I believe logging the request duration is based on this prior art by
Maximilian Tagher — the implementation looks identical.
So if we have the means to provide a custom formatter, why don’t we just add
the ID of an authenticated user there? Well, here’s the thing. Request logging
happens at the WAI level, which is the outer layer of the system. To read the
authenticated user’s ID we need to check against the authentication system, but
authentication happens at the Yesod level, which is an inner layer of the
system. So first, we need some way to pass arbitrary data from the inner Yesod
layer to the outer WAI layer. I think request and response headers are a
suitable mechanism for transferring this kind of data, and we can use the
function to easily add any response header we want. We also want
this response header to be applied to every request, so we should use a
middleware to add this functionality to all handlers.
Adding Yesod middleware is trivial:
-- ./src/Foundation.hs
addUserIdToResponseHeadersMiddleware :: Handler a -> Handler a
addUserIdToResponseHeadersMiddleware handler = do
let toKey = UUID.toText . unUserUUID . userUuid . entityVal
mUserId <- toKey <<$>> maybeAuth
traverse_ (addHeader "User-ID") mUserId
In this middleware — which is just a polymorphic handler that composes with
any other handler — we use maybeAuth
to get a value of Maybe (Entity User)
We have a function toKey
which takes a user’s ID from an Entity User
, and
since our user entity is wrapped in a Maybe
, and then again wrapped in a
monadic action that retrieves that value from the database, we need to fmap
twice over maybeAuth
to get our Maybe UserUUID
in one pass. The custom
operator <<$>>
gives us this double fmap
, and is defined as such:
infixl 4 <<$>>
(<<$>>) :: (Functor f, Functor g) => (a -> b) -> f (g a) -> f (g b)
(<<$>>) = fmap . fmap
If the user is not authenticated, the value of mUserId
will be Nothing
in which case we do nothing. If the user is authenticated, we add their ID
it to a response header with a key of User-ID
. The traverse_
function in
this context gives us this behaviour of “if the value is a Just
then do
something with it, otherwise do nothing”.
We also need to apply our middleware, which is just a case of tacking it onto whatever other middleware chain we already have.
-- ./src/Foundation.hs
instance Yesod App where
-- ...Other stuff is probably here
yesodMiddleware = defaultYesodMiddleware
. addUserIdToResponseHeadersMiddleware
-- ...More stuff
That’s great, but there’s a problem: How do we get these response headers in
our request log formatter? I went through the source, and unfortunately none of
the formatting middlewares actually provided the response headers to the log
formatter. I sent a pull request which adds another OutputFormat
constructor, along with its associated custom middleware and log formatter to
the wai-extra
package, and it was merged earlier today. So as of version
, you can use this data constructor:
type OutputFormatterWithDetailsAndHeaders
= ZonedDate -- ^ When the log message was generated
-> Request -- ^ The WAI request
-> Status -- ^ HTTP status code
-> Maybe Integer -- ^ Response size
-> NominalDiffTime -- ^ Duration of the request
-> [S8.ByteString] -- ^ The request body
-> B.Builder -- ^ Raw response
-> [Header] -- ^ The response headers
-> LogStr
…together with the new formatAsJSONWithHeaders
function. So our makeLogWare
function can now be changed to this:
-- ./src/Application.hs
makeLogWare :: App -> IO Middleware
makeLogWare foundation =
mkRequestLogger def
{ outputFormat =
if appDetailedRequestLogging $ appSettings foundation
then Detailed True
else OutputFormatterWithDetailsAndHeaders formatAsJSONWithHeaders
, destination = Logger $ loggerSet $ appLogger foundation
This will now render all request logs in production as JSON, along with the
request duration and any response headers. It will also redact any request
header with a key of Cookie
, or any response header with a key of
Almost there. Now we just want to generated a unique ID for each request as it’s coming in, and stuff that ID in a request header. We can do this easily enough at the outer WAI layer.
-- ./src/Application.hs
addRequestId :: Middleware
addRequestId app req sendRes = do
reqId <- UUID.toASCIIBytes <$> UUID.nextRandom
let hs = ("Request-ID", reqId) : WAI.requestHeaders req
app (req { WAI.requestHeaders = hs }) sendRes
The first line uses the uuid
package to generate a UUIDv4, and then converts
it to a human-readable bytestring. We then construct a new value for the
request headers — here marked as hs
— which is just the new header prepended
to the list of existing request headers. We then continue with the rest of the
request lifecycle, sending along a modified request with the new headers.
As before, don’t forget to add this new middleware to the appropriate chain. This would be our WAI middleware chain, not the Yesod middleware chain we used earlier.
-- ./src/Application.hs
makeApplication :: App -> IO Application
makeApplication foundation = do
logWare <- makeLogWare foundation
appPlain <- toWaiAppPlain foundation
return $ addRequestId $ logWare $ defaultMiddlewaresNoLogging appPlain
Go forth, and trace users.