Jezen Thomas

Jezen Thomas

CTO & Co-Founder at Supercede.


I wanted to create a visualisation by generating style rules with a loop in Sass. Making art like this is pretty simple; you draw a line, and adjust it slightly at regular intervals with the loop. The animation is slightly off-sync relative to the position of each respective line, which creates the effect of the shape evolving through many interesting patterns.

The key to doing this in a reasonable way is to use pre-processors like Haml and Sass to generate the markup and styles with some simple loops.

The Haml code generates an unordered list with 90 list items inside.

  -(1..90).each do

The Sass code uses an only slightly more complicated loop with some variable substitution and basic arithmetic to displace each list item by a regular interval.

@for $i from 1 through 90
    transform: rotate($i*4+deg)
    animation: rot-#{$i} 3000s infinite

  @keyframes rot-#{$i}
      transform: rotate($i*360deg)